PIM / MAM sign-up form


  • Terms and Conditions

    Please make sure to read the terms and conditions carefully.
    PLEASE NOTE: You will not be able to submit the form unless you read the terms and conditions all the way to the end.click here to read terms

Terms and Conditions

The ArcturusGroup image database is an Internet service of Arcturus s.r.l., Via Filippo Balducci 60, 20158 Milano (MI), Italy (AG), run by Contentserv Group AG, Hauptstrasse 82, 8272 Ermatingen/Thurgau, Switzerland (CS).

The use of our digital image data base with its extensive graphical material underlies subsequent terms of use. The ArcturusGroup image database is for professional use only. The term "use" includes all kinds of publication or copying of an image as a whole or of parts of an image either modified or unmodified, in printed or photographic version, as layout or presentation, as electronic or mechanical reproduction or any other form of recording.

1. (a) Business partners of the AG will receive their individual right of use solely via authorisation by the AG division in charge through allocation of password and user recognition. This right of use may be cancelled at any time.

(b) The approved rights of use are assigned to one user only. Password and user recognition are therefore individually assigned and must not be passed on. They are not transferable.

(c) The use of the image data is always free of charge if and only if the user downloads data from the Internet by himself. Additional Services can be charged based on prior cost offer.

2. (a) All images of the AG image data base are subject to copyright. If not stated explicitly otherwise, the brand Companies of the AG have the copyright of the image. Downloads of images and artwork is only authorized from the "Media" tab using the download functionality.

(b)The user must not use the images for any kind of reproduction (advertisements, multi-media publications, catalogue, internet…) without written allowance of the copyright holder. It is strictly forbidden to allow access to copies of any image within an open network. Without written authorisation by AG or its companies an image must not be sold, publicised, licensed nor circulated.

(c)The user is not allowed to hand over or transfer any image to third party. The user must not copy, lend or otherwise use the images. Without prior written authorisation by AG images must not be altered or manipulated, no parts to be added or removed.

(d) Non-authorised use is regarded as violation of the copyright and of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and therefore strictly forbidden.

(e) The right of use for every single image is, according to image specifications, tightly limited with regards to use, duration and area of publication. If not otherwise confirmed in writing, it only refers to one single publication of a certain size inclusive words (if any) in only one language.

3. Within two weeks after use the user has to send postage-free two copies of the printed publication of each image that he used to the AG division in charge.

4. The user will provide all information about requirements that prevent unauthorised copying.

5. (a) Each image that is used by the user must bear the copyright symbol and indicate the source. If not agreed otherwise, the wording must be: “© Rosenthal GmbH GERMANY” or “© Sambonet Paderno Industrie S.p.A. ITALIA”.

(b) In case of missing labelling the AG or its companies are entitled to appeal to court accordingly, if not stated otherwise in writing.

6. The user is responsible to have in time the documents for all needed rights, clearings or authorisations that are required for professional use and has to keep these documents due to legal requirements. CS does not guarantee that rights, clearings or authorisations will be issued. If an image, a name, a registered trade mark or a work of art is used by the user or with his allowance, he has to compensate AG for occurring costs, losses or claims, if needed rights, clearings or authorisations cannot be presented.

7. (a) The AG and CS do not furnish guarantee that the ArcturusGroup image data base is available at any time, especially not in the case of failures or a possible breakdown.

(b) For misuse and wrong handling when selecting respectively downloading graphic material the AG and CS do not assume liability or warranty. This is also valid for further use and further processing of the material.

(c) For any possible mistakes when catch wording the search terms as well as describing motifs the AG and CS do not assume liability and warranty. By no means do the given data allow for asserting any claims.

8. The place of jurisdiction is Milan, Italy. All cases are subject exclusively to the law of the Italian Republic. For further information please contact AG (legal@arcturus-projects.com).

9. We reserve the right to revoke, any time and without notice, the above-mentioned authorization if, in our unquestionable judgment, it may cause prejudice or damage to the good name and reputation on the market, without entitling you to claim any damages or compensation whatsoever.

10. During the submission of your request we save your data entered above plus your IP address in a database for documentation purpose. The information is solely used to document your consent and to communicate with you via email in order to set up your user account in our system..


* mandatory information